
Expert meta-analysis services for precise data synthesis and actionable research insights.



Meta-Regression is a sophisticated extension of meta-analysis that examines how study-level characteristics or moderators influence the variability of effect sizes across studies. 

It allows researchers to explore the relationships between these characteristics and the outcomes of interest, providing deeper insights into the factors driving heterogeneity in meta-analysis results.

Detailed Steps to Perform Meta-Regression

  1. Identify Moderators:

    • Define Hypotheses: Determine potential moderators that could influence the effect size, such as study design, sample size, intervention characteristics, or demographic factors.
    • Select Variables: Choose relevant moderators based on theoretical considerations and prior research.
  2. Collect and Prepare Data:

    • Extract Effect Sizes: Obtain effect sizes (e.g., mean differences, odds ratios) and their variances from each study.
    • Gather Moderator Data: Collect data on the moderators for each study, ensuring accuracy and consistency.
  3. Model Specification:

    • Choose a Model Type: Decide between a fixed-effect or random-effects meta-regression model based on the nature of your data and research questions.
    • Specify the Model: Define how moderators will be included in the model (e.g., as continuous variables, categorical variables, or interactions).
  4. Conduct Meta-Regression:

    • Fit the Model: Use statistical software (e.g., R, Stata, Comprehensive Meta-Analysis) to fit the meta-regression model to the data.
    • Estimate Coefficients: Calculate regression coefficients for each moderator, assessing their impact on the effect size.
    • Assess Model Fit: Evaluate the goodness-of-fit of the model and check for issues such as multicollinearity or model assumptions.
  5. Interpret Results:

    • Analyze Coefficients: Interpret the estimated coefficients to understand the direction and strength of the relationship between each moderator and the effect size.
    • Evaluate Significance: Determine the statistical significance of each moderator and its contribution to explaining heterogeneity.
  6. Conduct Sensitivity Analysis:

    • Test Robustness: Perform sensitivity analyses to assess how changes in model specifications or data subsets affect the results.
    • Validate Findings: Ensure the robustness of your findings by comparing results across different models or methodological approaches.
  7. Report Findings:

    • Prepare Comprehensive Reports: Document the results, including regression coefficients, confidence intervals, and significance levels.
    • Discuss Implications: Explain how the moderators influence the effect sizes and what this means for your research question.

How Can Assist 

  1. Expert Consultation:

    • Guidance on Moderator Selection: Our experts help you identify and select the most relevant moderators based on your research objectives and existing literature.
    • Model Design: We provide advice on choosing and designing the appropriate meta-regression model for your specific study.
  2. Data Extraction and Preparation:

    • Accurate Data Handling: We assist in extracting effect sizes and moderator data from studies, ensuring high-quality and reliable input for analysis.
    • Data Cleaning: Our team ensures that data is clean, consistent, and ready for meta-regression.
  3. Advanced Statistical Analysis:

    • Conduct Meta-Regression: We perform the meta-regression analysis using advanced statistical techniques and software, ensuring rigorous and accurate results.
    • Model Fitting and Diagnostics: Our experts handle model fitting, diagnostics, and validation, addressing issues such as multicollinearity and model assumptions.
  4. Interpretation and Reporting:

    • In-Depth Analysis: We provide a detailed interpretation of meta-regression results, helping you understand the impact of moderators on effect sizes.
    • Comprehensive Reporting: Our team prepares clear and comprehensive reports, including detailed findings, statistical significance, and practical implications.
  5. Custom Solutions:

    • Tailored Support: We offer personalized services to address your specific research needs, providing expert recommendations and solutions for effective meta-regression analysis.
    • Ongoing Support: We provide ongoing support throughout the meta-regression process, ensuring that your analysis meets high standards of scientific rigor.

 For more info please write to us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

(meta-analysis (التحليل التلوي, メタアナリシス, 元分析, Μεταανάλυση))


Unlock comprehensive insights from diverse studies with our meta-analysis services, offering a robust and evidence-driven approach to synthesizing research findings. Elevate the depth and impact of your research effortlessly with our expert meta-analysis solutions.

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Ridge Square NW, Washington DC, United States